Stepping into STEM in Coatbridge
This week our colleagues Shona, Garry, Kathy and Stuart took time out to support Step Into STEM events with New College Lanarkshire and STEMCoatbridge. Held at New College’s Coatbridge and Motherwell campuses, the events allowed our staff to spend the day talking to a steady stream of local high school students about careers in Geoscience.
The students were intrigued by the array of technical equipment they were able to get to grips with. Likewise, the opportunity to get hands-on with the local geology was too good to be missed, along with the chance to discuss projects we’ve completed on their doorstep.

Soil Engineering are committed to promoting the potential for exciting and inclusive long-term careers in STEM. Events such as this provide us with an opportunity to help students turn classroom learning into tangible career aspirations. Having this event in an area where we’ve undertaken some significant projects also brings some valuable currency to the conversations on offer. We’re looking forward to our next opportunity to collaborate with Developing the Young Workforce- Lanarkshire and East Dunbartonshire (DYW-LED) initiative and STEM Coatbridge.