Specialist Geoservices Make Rapid Progress on Coring and CBR Testing
On a very warm morning our technical team were delighted to find out that they were to complete a quick CBR Testing job at a refrigeration specialist’s factory site.
With the factory about to undergo an equipment upgrade it is vital that floor loadings and behaviour can be tested to avoid unexpected change during the installation process. Our Specialist Geoservices Team, supported by our Laboratory, undertook CBR Testing to confirm the localised behaviour of the founding strata.
First completing a concrete core to examine floor construction, the team were able to bring our specially equipped testing vehicle right into to the isolated “Goods Inwards” area of the Factory. Having liaised with the site owner in advance this was cordoned off to allow us to test safely whilst having minimum impact on factory operations.

Coring completed, CBR Testing was undertaken by our technician, and the necessary substate sample taken before the core was replaced at the clients request and reinstated using a proprietary resin system. With the project being in relatively close proximity to our Leeds facilities, the sample was in our Laboratory for analysis within less than 30 minutes of site work being completed. In all, the team were less than three hours from induction to demobilisation.
If you require a prompt service for insitu testing (Including CBR Testing or Plate Bearing Capacity), or advice on which approach will provide the optimum solution, you can contact our Specialist Geoservices Team here.