The £3.4M ground investigation for the A82 upgrade had to contend with steeper slopes, deeper bogs and narrower access than many other projects of this scale. Whilst it was one of the largest and most challenging ground investigations undertaken by Soil Engineering in Scotland, it was also one of the most varied with a wide range of both geophyscial and intrusive techniques required.
At the peak of work, Soil Engineering had a team of 35 people on site with two overwater pontoons undertaking both Rotary and Cable Percussive drilling and a land-based team also undertaking Rotary and Cable Percussive works. A total of almost 150 boreholes were completed during the works, to depths of up to 40m below ground level. Also completed within the scope were 38No. machine and hand excavated trial pits, 208No. pavement cores and in excess of 1400 peat probes. In situ testing included geophysical surveys, televiewer surveys, dynamic cone penetrometer tests, variable head tests, hand vane tests, and soak-away tests. Due to restricted access times and conditions on areas of the site Sonic Drilling and Slope Climbing rigs were employed to minimise works impacts on stakeholders.
The challenging terrain, combined with complex Ecological and Archaeological restrictions, ensured that tight control of all resources was required, along with open and clear communication with all stakeholders. Facilitated by Soil Engineering’s experienced Land Liaison team, stakeholders were kept up to date throughout he works with any changes. Access management was undertaken by dedicated team members, responsible for delivery of all protection packages, and handover of reinstated sites on completion.
Soil Engineering Geoservices have been shortlisted for a total of nine entries in the Ground Engineering Awards 2025! Collaboration, innovation, quality and determination providing a backbone to delivering some excellent projects across no fewer than seven categories in the 2025 Ground Engineering Awards. As a business we’ve achieved shortlist recognition for our overall delivery capability, […]
Read more ➜When a specialist Trenchless & Civils Contractor realised they had water ingress issues in their Launch Pit, they turned to Soil Engineering for a rapid turnaround Ground Investigation Due to project sensitivities we can’t name their project or client, but when it became apparent that the original GI for Stockton Drilling’s Direct Pipe Launch Pit […]
Read more ➜Transport Scotland have awarded Soil Engineering the latest contract on the A9, with a focus on sustainable ground investigation as a key deliverable. In announcing the award of the £635,000 project to Soil Engineering, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Fiona Hyslop MSP highlighted the need to provide sustainable ground investigation from an environmental and social perspective. […]
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