Logging and Lab Testing Course

We were very pleased to welcome back our popular logging and lab testing course this week, having had to suspend it for several years due to COVID.

Ten external delegates from National Highways, Roger Bullivant and Jacobs attended the one-day overview course at our Leeds facilities, hosted by our  Technical Manager, Paul Rodgers. Assisted by former Project Manager, now Business Development Manager, Simon Baxter, Paul delivered three sessions on differing aspects of technical work in the GI sector.

The morning session focussed on Soil Logging, with the attendees given a run-through of Eurocode and BS5930 requirements, before heading into the analysis department to get hands-on with a carefully selected teaching set of samples.

Following a very sociable lunch, with the delegates able to spend more time learning about each other’s widely varied professional backgrounds, thoughts turned to matters of rock. Another short theory seminar, discussing the principles of rock logging, and highlighting the lithology specific approaches required in some circumstances. Following the theory section, it was once again time to put in some practice, with a wide array of core from across the UK laid out for the delegates to practice with.

Concluding the practical section of the day, our delegates then took in a tour of our extensive Geotechnical Laboratory, led by Lab Manager Kevin Walker. providing the opportunity for clients to see the offsite side of data production, the tour took in our Rock Lab, extensive sample storage areas, earthwork department and classification tests, before visiting our machine tests area, where Kevin was able to provide great clarity on the sample requirements and methodologies on these high value techniques.

Finally returning to the classroom, Paul Rodgers and Simon Baxter took a session on laboratory testing, and its relationship to sample quality and intrusive technique selection. With a detailed review of sample classification, and emphasis on collaboration between client, consultant and Ground Investigation Contractor, this section of the course closely mirrors that delivered by the team to students on the MSc Engineering Geology Course at Leeds University, and provided an excellent refresher for delegates. On concluding the course, which had seen healthy discussion of concepts and shared experience throughout, each attendee was presented with a certificate to mark a day of CPD.

Don’t feel left out!

If you feel that you, or a colleague, may benefit from refreshing your understanding of logging and lab testing, head over to our contacts page, and let us know. We plan to re-run this one-day course in the future, and will also be relaunching our more extensive two-day specialist logging course.


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0113 2711111
