Duis eleifend, libero a pharetra vestibulum, nisi ligula maximus eros, vel aliquam erat mi sed erat. Praesent in imperdiet velit, sed interdum dolor. Quisque non felis mi. Suspendisse egestas condimentum massa, nec lobortis purus interdum eget. Nulla id est ut libero interdum malesuada eu eget quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam ac metus elit. Donec mattis nunc erat, ac luctus elit dapibus in. Fusce eget facilisis massa, vel accumsan mauris. Aenean finibus massa in orci dictum consectetur.
Soil Engineering providing expert drilling services to the University of Edinburgh’s Geobattery projectThe Coatbridge team of Soil Engineering’s Specialist Geoservices unit have secured a prestigious contract with the University of Edinburgh to provide the first borehole of their Geobattery Research Project. Drawing on specialist experience of drilling deep holes in coal bearing strata from within […]
Read more ➜Soil Engineering Geoservices have been shortlisted for a total of nine entries in the Ground Engineering Awards 2025! Collaboration, innovation, quality and determination providing a backbone to delivering some excellent projects across no fewer than seven categories in the 2025 Ground Engineering Awards. As a business we’ve achieved shortlist recognition for our overall delivery capability, […]
Read more ➜When a specialist Trenchless & Civils Contractor realised they had water ingress issues in their Launch Pit, they turned to Soil Engineering for a rapid turnaround Ground Investigation Due to project sensitivities we can’t name their project or client, but when it became apparent that the original GI for Stockton Drilling’s Direct Pipe Launch Pit […]
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