On Land

Over Water
Soil Engineering have a wealth of experience in Rotary Drilling, producing both Cored and Openholed boreholes for projects ranging from Nationally Significant Engineering Schemes to domestic investigations. Whether boreholes are required to design major sewer tunnels in London and Manchester, nationwide Railways Schemes, or to determine the presence of gypsum beneath development sites in Ripon and many challenges in between, we can provide cost effective, high quality, timely solutions.
The Rotary Drilling teams, each one NVQ Qualified and BDA Audited, are capable of delivering high quality investigations using a wide variety of rotary drilling techniques. Cored or openhole, conventional triple tube or wireline, and with flush media ranging from air to water, and mud to mist, we take pride in the quality of the work our crews achieve, producing excellent results time and again. Core diameters of between 77mm and 155mm are achievable, with openhole systems producing boreholes of up to 300mm, and both techniques capable of completing boreholes to depths in excess of 150m, at angles of up to 60o from the vertical. Our crews can also undertake Insitu testing, ranging from simple Standard Penetration Testing and Variable Head Permeability, to more complex geophysical and Hydrogeological testing. With many of our rigs equipped with Drilling parameter Recording systems, and all crews utilising Keylogbook Digital Data recording, your data is rapidly available to augment design information produced by our support crews of Engineers and Geologists.
Our Rotary crews work closely with the plant department to ensure that the most appropriate equipment for the site is always available, and partner with our Cable Percussive Drillers to maximise project efficiency and technical outcomes. If the project requires access into more unusual situations, our crews are experienced in drilling overwater, on both inland water bodies and nearshore marine environments, and our rigs are capable of being craned into position where drive on access is not feasible. Whatever the physical or geological setting of your project, our crews can be outfitted with the most appropriate equipment, ranging from Wireline Core drilling systems to downhole hammers, ensuring that once we get to a position, we get the right results for our clients.