On Land

Over Water
When it isn’t possible to take a full sized rig into a site (Very narrow access, inside small buildings, along narrow riverbanks etc), it is often still possible to mobilise dynamic sampling equipment to undertake windowless sampling and dynamic probing. This allows recovery of geotechnical samples and Insitu test data in even the most inaccessible of locations.
Using Multi-purpose Terrier rigs, which may be tracked into position through accesses as narrow as a domestic doorway, or lifted over fences using only a small crane, Soil Engineering can achieve testing and sampling at depths of up to 15m, and can recover Class 1 samples for Geotechnical Laboratory testing using the UT100 sampling system. Digital data recording ensures that logs can be produced in AGS4 format as soon as the hole is complete. The rig is capable of forming holes to sufficient diameter that sandpipes and piezometer instrumentation can be installed for long term gas and groundwater monitoring, and is self propelled, allowing independence in small areas when a conventional support vehicle cannot follow.
For Dynamic Probe work, the Terrier is capable of penetrations of up to 15m, in all Dynamic Probe weight and drop weight setups. Both sacrificial and multi-use cones area available, and, as always, records are produced digitally to speed up your reporting.